Public Health - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Our children have the best start in life

Our children have the best start in life

Children need to feel loved and safe. Every child and young person needs a loving and responsive relationship with a parent or carer, enabling them to thrive. Improving the health and wellbeing of women of child-bearing age, investing in interventions for pregnant women and their partners so that they are well prepared for pregnancy and parenthood, and investing in early education are the best ways to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people, and to reduce health and social inequalities.

This chapter looks at what happens in pregnancy and early childhood, and how children are cared for and supported within the District.

2.1 Preconception and Pregnancy

2.2 Ready for School and Learning

2.3 Voice of the Child

2.4 Safeguarding Vulnerable Children

2.5 Reducing Social and Health Inequalities